“Like those Kombi-van family road trips of my youth where my siblings and I endured trips to destinations not of our choosing, the girls have also been unwilling passengers on my road trip to Breast Cancerville. They witnessed first hand the terrible impact my diagnosis and treatment had on me and they grappled with the potential loss of their mum.”
The image above was taken in my hospital room following my fifth chemo cycle. In the book I refer to it as ‘crapastic chemo’ and this particular cycle occurred prior to Christmas. It took ‘craptastic’ to a whole new level because I spent Christmas in a hospital bed attached to a drip and by Boxing Day I was being rushed into Intensive Care because of an infection that my body couldn’t fight.
I look at this image and think of the expression “death warmed up” as a fitting caption. What I also see is three roadtrippers who were being so brave and in this moment and subsequently continued to make the best of what was a completely crappy situation.
And that, my dear followers is one of my reasons for writing Coming Home from Breast Cancerville. To recount how hard it has been for me to actually consider myself a ‘survivor’ and to shine a light on how it’s not just me who survived breast cancer and it certainly wasn’t just me who endured what I call Treatment Highway and Recovery Highway.
I’m so incredibly proud of my KAT’s (Kate, Abbey and Tessa) and their love and pride in me for writing my story and allowing me to include parts of theirs in it makes my heart full. Have you ordered your copy yet? You can buy your copy of Coming Home from Breast Cancerville here.